Frank M. Summers, 33°
About The Illustrious
Frank M. Summers, 33°
Tyree Consistory No. 64
Valley of East St. Louis
Orient of Illinois
Illustrious Summers re-engaged the Cathedral revitalization project initiated by his predecessor. The project removed the iconic stairs in the front and added six offices. He also aggressively expanded the footprint of United Supreme Council, Northern Jurisdiction by chartering our first Consistories in Europe. Notably during his term the 1974 Annual Session had to be relocated because of a serious breach of masonic jurisprudence by the then Most Worshipful Grand Master of Pennsylvania that caused unnecessary havoc. Illustrious Summers was accorded Sovereign Grand Commander Emeritus status. The Class of 1996 is named in honor of Illustrious Summers. The current Sovereign Grand Commander, Dr. Melvin J. Bazemore 33°, is a member of this Class.
Reach Us
1514 Fitzwater St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146
(215) 545-2443